Monetising Your LinkedIn Personal Brand
This blog is all about monetising your knowledge, and I'm going to give you a masterclass on everything you need to know to convert your audience into revenue.
As you know, the foundation of everything I teach is conversion. I am not here to post for the sake of it. I'm here to make money, to help my audience, and convert my audience into business opportunities.
In order to do this, there are four steps that you need to know to monetize LinkedIn.
The first step is, of course, you need to have a voice.
Without a voice, you can't share your knowledge with the masses and therefore you can't expect to convert a high amount of people.
The second step is that you need to know your topics inside out.
As you've already learned, your topics are going to be critical pillars to your success. You need to understand your topics inside out, and you need to get curious and start asking your clients and candidates questions so that you are the person who has more knowledge than any of your competitors.
The third step is that you need to become the no-brainer choice.
This is what I call the obvious choice. You need to get yourself to a place where people are crystal clear on the fact they want to work with you. You've built trust and credibility throughout your posts, and then when they click into your profile, it is crystal clear on what you can do and what you can offer to help them.
The final step and the fourth step is that you need to post five times a week.
As I've mentioned, three times does work, but five times makes you stand out. If you want to monetize more than your competitors, you need to be the person who stands out better than anyone else.
The key to monetization is actually triggering an emotional response with your audience. So what does that mean? Well, your audience may consume content if they're interested in the content, and there's so much information in the world at the moment that yes, you might get some likes and you might get some interest, but it's information overload to so many people. So if somebody doesn't think you're speaking to them and there's not that emotional connection to you and your content, what they'll do is they'll probably like your post, but they won't really feel compelled to take an action, which is, of course, to connect with you and speak with you.
So if you want to monetize, your best chances of doing that is to create an emotional connection. What do people get emotional about? They get emotional about pain.
They get emotional about challenges and struggles, and they also get emotional about their desires. People will do more to avoid pain than they will to gain pleasure. So if you can present your content in a way which is constantly telling them how they can avoid pain and overcome pain or a challenging circumstance, you're far more likely to get them to convert and resonate with the message that you are putting out into the world.
The next part to note is that you need to post about where your industry is going.
You can post all the information in the world about where your industry has been, what's happened before, what that means, etc., and yes, some of that can definitely help provide advice and guidance moving forward, especially when it comes to statistics and data. But the people who are going to set themselves apart will understand and have worked out where the industry is going, and you're going to be first in line posting about these topics.
You need to be considering that and post about what's happening in the future.
What is AI affecting? What do they do? Is AI affecting their jobs, for example? What are the plans for their markets? Are there any legislations or policies coming into practice? What are the big industry changes which are on the agenda?
Your job as a recruiter is to know your market inside out, but it's also to understand what's going to happen in the future, and this is how you're going to provide solutions before they've even happened, and then people are going to think you're ultimately a genius.
What you should also know is that knowing where your industry is going allows you to position yourself as an authoritative figure, so people will start to trust you and rely on you for information. And when people are relying on you to be the source of truth, this is when you start to build a community and a tribe that can't be replaced.
So I'll give you an example. There's a lady that I follow on LinkedIn, and she is an immigration lawyer, and she's the first to know about any changes in the industry. And I mean, the minute they get released by the government, she's on it, and she's posting about it, and she's making a post which is simple for the everyday reader to understand. Now what she's doing is she's becoming somebody who is relied upon in her industry. So whenever a change happens, people will go straight to her profile, and that then gets eyes on her post, which boosts her credibility. People ask her questions. She's seen as an authority, and off the back of that, she is going to get business.
Being that expert in your niche but positioning yourself as the authority and the go-to is critical.
By knowing where your industry is going, you're setting yourself apart.
Not many people will go out of their way to learn about this and really try and understand it at length. If you're somebody who can do that and who can master that above all, you're just different, and this is also a selling point, and this is something you could embed in your offering as to why people should want to work with you.
Could you imagine going to client meetings and being able to talk about all of these wonderful statistics and what you know is happening in the world? People are going to be amazed by that, and they'll say, "Well, okay, well if our hiring plans over the next 3 years is XYZ and this recruiter clearly knows where the market's going, it makes sense for me to partner with them long term." So again, it elevates all areas of credibility.
Here's what you can do now to monetise your knowledge.
Notice what your industry complains about. So again, go back to your iPhone Notes and have a look about what your clients and candidates ask you or complain about. This is all post ideas and solutions that need to be solved within your industry.
Look into the future as well and start making that a habit. Really look for ideas and ask questions even to your ideal audience about what their opinions are because you'll learn so much from just speaking to people. People - you don't even need to go out of your way to do some kind of mass research. Ultimately, you just need to ask questions and smart questions.
Know these topics inside out. So when you start to become the go-to person, you need to make sure that you are a credible source of knowledge. Post stories and solutions about each of these complaints and how they can overcome them. And finally, be consistent with your messaging as well. Being consistent alone leads to them thinking that you're a reliable source.
If you would like to enroll in training to monetise your knowledge by building a personal brand on LinkedIn, please submit an enquiry via the “Contact” page.
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