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Using Community Groups To Make Placements Fast For Recruiters

recruitment advice

Are you a recruiter who is constantly just reacting to what's going on in your day and never seems to have enough time? If so, you are definitely not alone, and I have a little hack to help you automate your time, generate leads faster, and ultimately make more placements.

Before I get into that, I wanted to talk about the common, I guess, reactive approach that recruiters usually take with recruitment. What tends to happen is you're doing your business development, you get your role in, you then go to the market to try and fill your role, you advertise, etc., or from a candidate perspective, you speak to a candidate about a particular role, and then from there, you then have to try and find their work. Sometimes it's really hard to get that match correct by having the right clients and the right candidates and matching them quickly. Quite often, there's a mismatch – there's a client that wants this, a candidate wants this, and you know, it's really hard, and there's a lot of moving parts. I'm going to teach you how to ultimately centralize this process and ensure that you can convert quicker than ever before.

The 3 Ps: Preempt, Plan, and Persist 

In order for you to be one of the rare people who knows how to do this, you need to start off with the free Ps, and that's to preempt, plan, and be persistent. The strategy that I'm going to give you actually refers to community groups.

Preempting and Planning with Community Groups 

Let me tell you a story about when I used to recruit within the insurance industry, and I used to recruit catastrophic events...I preempted that, and I used to know it was going to happen, I built these community groups on the basis that there was going to be events, and I always ensured that I had prospective candidates...Now, this is where the planning phase comes in because I preempted it, I've got these people, but what about the plan of attack?

Persisting with Community Groups

Now, the way that the persistence part comes in is you don't just create a community group and just leave them there and never connect with them, never nurture them, never message them, never speak to them, never post anything interesting because you're getting forgotten about...If you're persistent within this group, literally once every two days, just post something in there...This is how you maintain your community group, and it's genuinely the easiest way to make placements.

Using Groups for Clients Too 

You can actually also do this for clients as well. In fact, I have a client who's a recruitment agency; they have two different community groups, so one for clients and one for candidates...In client one, they post things like, "These are our top five A-grade candidates of the week, this is what people are looking for in the market at the moment, these are what candidates are saying to us." And then in the candidate one, they're posting interview tips and advice and tricks and all of this informational stuff which is ultimately going to generate leads but keeps everyone happy and engaged as well.

Community Groups as Talent Pools 

Now, if you think about it, ultimately, this is like a talent pool...But build a community group on the side as well, and people are quite often scrolling through social media because they're bored, and they're actually just checking out your post, whereas they're not necessarily waiting for your email marketing email to entertain, you know? Just another way to add a touch point, remove friction, and fast-track the sales process.

If you want to learn how to build community groups, I do teach this as part of the program that I run, which is all about automating the lead generation process and building your personal brand on LinkedIn in order to attract talent and clients to you and generate inbound leads… If you are interested please submit an enquiry via the “Contact” page and we will be in touch.

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